Hohmtech Life4 18650 Battery


The Hohmtech Life 4 18650 3015mAh 22.1A Battery, featuring 3015mAh capacity, 31.1A discharge rate, and can be recharged at 4.43A for a strong and capacious battery for all high drain applications.

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Hohm Tech LIFE 4 18650 3015mAh 22.1A Battery Features:
Nominal Capacity – 3015mAh
Continuous Discharge Current – 22.1A
Max Discharge Current – 31.1A
Maximum Pulse Peak – 37.1A
Nominal Voltage: 3.6V
Max Charge Rate: 4.43A
Top: Flat Top
Type: QSP Li-NMC Foundation
Size: 18650

To ensure your safety and maintain the battery’s life and durability, we recommend you follow these rules:

Do not over-discharge or overcharge the battery. Doing so will shorten the battery’s life and sometimes, it can make it pop or leak.
Please do not short circuit or it will release massive current.
Do not play with fire! Do not dispose any kind of battery in or near any fire.
Do not stack more than one battery as it may potentially blowout and cause serious damage to yourself and place.
Always check battery’s condition to see if there are signs of wear and tear. If there is, please dispose the battery.
Do not dispose batteries into the trash.
Store batteries safely in a plastic battery case.  Do not store in your pocket!

Nicotine Warning

Big Dog Vapory products may contain nicotine and are intended for the use by Adults of 19 years of age and older. (Or the legal smoking age in your province). Our products are not intended as a smoking cessation product, but rather as an alternative to traditional cigarettes and are neither intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, nor cure any disease.

Nicotine is addictive, potentially harmful, and should not be used by those under the legal age for smoking in your state, non-smokers, pregnant or nursing women, persons with heart disease, high blood pressure or any other medical conditions that may be exacerbated or induced by nicotine. Consult your physician before using these products or any other similar product.

KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN and PETS: Ingestion of E-Liquids can be poisonous.

American Association of Poison Control Centers: 1-800-222-1222

Ontario Poison Centre: 1-800-268-9017

Health Canada Warning